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Please join me “Above the Fray,” a place to pause the chaos and reflect, if only for a moment. My hope is short, thoughtful musings on philanthropy, fundraising, nonprofit governance and planning will inspire you to continue your good work . . . with renewed perspective.
I’m reminded of a story about a young boy who vacationed in the mountains with his family. Day after day the view from their cabin was shrouded in fog. Finally, on the last day the fog cleared. When the boy saw the stunning mountaintop vistas he exclaimed, “This is where we’ve been all along!!!”
No doubt, the fray will continue, but please pause for a moment to reflect and see “where you’ve been all along.” As a result, you may gain a new understanding, consider a different perspective and remember a valuable strategy. I hope “Above the Fray” will help you reconnect to your vision, see possibilities and move forward with wisdom and enthusiasm!